Telephone: 01536 517716 /
0778 7811667 / 07979 766814

Our Care

LCS is committed to deliver assistance so each of our Clients is encouraged, guided and enabled to make the best of available opportunities to achieve life-long goals.

LCS offers personalised support for vulnerable individuals. The support team is equipped to deliver assistance with all aspects of personal care. We are led by our Clients, to support their preferred lifestyles.

Care and support packages may be continuous over 24hrs, 365 days of the year, or in chosen hours of the day.  The care is delivered at home and in the community to enrich lives. Using person centred approaches we tailor care and development programs to enable growth of skills and fulfilment.

“Care and Love are related. And the relationship is in harmony when Love believes all things, hopes all things, and does not give up on all things.”